WHS and Injury Management Audits

Unlike other consultancy firms who focus purely on compliance, at Lawson we work to make workplaces better, not just safer. This means that our reports and any recommendations made will be based upon your own business needs and values; aimed at maximising efficiency, promoting a healthy workplace culture and improved safety performance.

We go above and beyond compliance.

For Self-Insured Employers:

Lawson are uniquely positioned to assist existing self-insured employers meet regulatory requirements, or registered employers to successfully attain self-insurance status.

Lawson can provide comprehensive gap analysis, or full evaluations against defined WHS and Injury Management Performance standards, bringing our expertise in self-insurance, Regulator scoping methodology and policy position to ensure your organisation is best placed to achieve maximum renewal terms.

For all employers:

Compliance Audits

Lawson are able to undertake audits:

  • against your internal WHS and Claims procedures to ensure they are implemented, are correct, current and effective.
  • against relevant WHS and Workers Compensation legislation to provide peace of mind that your organisation is meeting its fundamental obligations.

Our audits can include a review of your policies and procedures against current legislative requirements as well as onsite verification that operational activities align with your requirements. Our auditing service includes written reports suitable for Managers, Executive groups, Boards, Auditors and Regulators.