Governance & Reporting

Our bespoke and substantive reporting and analysis platform is exclusive to Lawson clients to provide meaningful and actionable insights, along with ensuring compliance.

In addition to being robust and comprehensive, the Lawson Governance & Reporting framework is highly customised to maximise the power of data-driven insights for each client. The service is also uniquely underpinned by our time-honoured and genuinely personalised service. 

The highly tailored reporting and analytical platform transforms data from any injury management system into user-friendly, actionable reports. These reports examine 100% of your claims, incorporating 27 key elements to provide thorough and vigorous analysis. This includes investigating injury causes and types, identifying trends, conducting financial analysis, and providing transparency of cost allocation.

The Lawson Governance framework ensures your claims are managed in accordance with your policies, the legislation, and Regulator requirements; thereby withstanding the discerning scrutiny of your Senior Executives, your Board and of course the Regulator.


Our Expert – Elizabeth Warrick

Elizabeth Warrick is the Lawson Governance & Reporting Manager and our expert in this area.

To learn more about Liz’s expertise, strengths and reputation click here.